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Stem Cell Injections
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Amniotic “Stem Cell” Allograft - Injectable Growth Factors 

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Amniotic Allografts are tissue grafts derived from placenta to aid in wound repair and accelerate healing. Regenerative treatments, such as Amniotic Allografts, have been shown to substantially shorten the time it takes for patients to make a healthy recovery from a variety of sports related injuries, returning them to normal activities quicker. It provides a promising alternative to surgery by promoting safe and natural healing.



Amniotic Allografts are shelf-stable injectables rich in Growth Factors similar to those found in PRP. They also have some proteins and substances that lead to tissue repair and healing that are not found in PRP. Amniotic membrane is extracted from the donor placenta producing a cell-free injectable product, rich in beneficial intrinsic properties. The resulting product is a flowable fluid that includes hyaluronic acid, collagen, and growth factors. These natural properties of the allograft provide protection, lubrication, and support to tissue that promote tissue repair and healing. 


Who can benefit from Amniotic Allografts?

Amniotic products have shown to be of benefit in athletes of all ages due to overuse injuries.

Amniotic Allografts substantially shorten the time it takes for patients to make a healthy recovery returning them to normal activities quicker. 

In tendon injuries, one challenge going through recovery is restoring proper movement to the area because the gliding function. Using amniotic tissue allografts restores that movement. An amniotic tissue graft replaces the connective tissue that forms a protective covering for tendons and other soft tissue that could help reduce the amount of time it takes to recover. 



Amniotic Allograft is an option for treatment of joint/tendon/ligament pain for patients seeking alternatives to surgery.

Amniotic Allografts are a shelf-stable injectable done in-office under sterile technique. The injection is performed under live Ultrasound Guidance for optimal graft placement. 

An injection of amniotic allograft may be useful in treating tissue voids, defects, and localized areas of inflammation.

Proven results of regenerative procedures such as allografts include patients with tendinopathy and plantar fasciitis.

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